Why is laughing so important for health?

Laughter cuts tension, calms and reduces aggressiveness, and will help you think more clearly about the prospects of what is really going on around you.


Laughing costs nothing and is as healthy for your health as it is for your soul, so why is it sometimes so difficult to do so?

It has happened to him that in those days when stress overwhelms him, nostalgia invades him and he feels an emotional and spiritual overload, with just a laugh all those feelings are left behind and he manages to combat those situations that had been affecting him.

It is real, laughter is the best natural medicine that exists, it helps to overcome problems and even diseases. Relieves the soul and heart, makes you feel better.

So to put into practice this expression that will also allow you to change the perception that others have of you. Remember, laughter is natural, attractive, it beautifies you and brightens your face. It is also so contagious that you can pass it on to others, that without you knowing it will make you change your face in those sad days.

Why should you laugh?

You should constantly laugh as part of the recipe for happiness, it is not conceivable to be happy if we remove the smile from our way of living, since as part of non-verbal communication, smiling has the particularity of generating confidence, of managing to lower the levels of tension, of predisposing other people to feel safe with us, smiling is the main mechanism of non-verbal social interaction that is used in the personnel selection processes. A smile can reveal moods, self-control situations, predisposition, and adaptation, among other things, a person who knows how to smile and knows how to smile makes it easier for them to access what they want because it generates empathy in their social circle.

What would happen if we were to remove that expression of joy from our faces, like laughter?

We have already seen many people who have taken the smile or perhaps the smile to decide to leave their lives, the truth is that many people assume a life full of complications, conflicts, and fears, and they forget that the best things that Life offers us totally free, like love, happiness, friendship, good company and the magical power of smiling. Many forgot that when they were children their best words were limited only to smiling as an expression of a display of affection.

The smile is a vital ingredient in the scaffolding of human beings, but many people fear to smile, because they feel that it will make them look weak or vulnerable and they decide to forget how it is done and this makes them look cold, distant, without joy, without Empathy, they are people with difficult access and with whom you do not have a pleasant chat, on the contrary, you feel heavy and hostile energy.

The benefits of laughing

"There are many doors that open in our life when we learn to give smiles, it is important to laugh to give joy to the soul, it is important to learn to greet through the smile, the smile will always say something," says Freddy Hernando Cristancho, psychologist social, who lists some benefits.

Video: The Benefits of Laughing and Why We Need a Sense of Humour


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